The Working Group in the History of Race and Eugenics (HRE), Oxford Brookes University.
Oxford University
Oxford Brookes University
Cantemir Institute, Oxford University
Imperial College, London
University of East – UK
University of Plymouth – UK
University of New South Wales – Australia
Museum of Natural History, Viena
Documentation Centre of the Austrian Resistance, Viena
Institute for Contemporary History, Viena
Institute of History, Graz
St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia
Division for the History of Medicine, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb
University of Zagreb
Charles-University, Prague
Masaryk University, Brno
University of London Institute, Paris
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris
University of Göttingen
Department of Social and Educational Policy, University of Peloponnese
Aegean University of Greece, Department of Sociology
Demographic Research Institute, Budapest
Central European University, Budapest
Semmelweis Museum, Budapest
University of Haifa- Israel
University of Turin – Italia
University of Vilnius – Lituania
Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
Warsaw University
Department of Humanistic Sciences in Medicine, Medical University of Wroclaw
University of Ljubljana – Slovenia
Bogazici University – Turcia
Baldwin Wallace College, Berea – SUA